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- Carmen Rodas
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When I examined the people that run 4Life, beginning with
David and Bianca, I felt a sense of security unlike any other
I had ever felt before. I decided to jump on the vehicle that
was taking many other people on the road to accomplishing
each and every one of their dreams. In less than two years,
I have seen amazing results. I have been able to make
many dreams come true. Thanks to the system used by the
International Networker’s Team created by Dr. Herminio
Nevárez and the support of Rafaela, Jeanny, Rafy and José,
today, I am a true professional in network marketing.
Together we have formed a family and have accomplished
many dreams. I cannot fail to mention Yadira. I’m so
grateful for her support and personal commitment to my
team and me. Many, many heartfelt thanks.
© 2025 4Life Trademarks, LLC, 4Life Research Spain, Sociedad Limitada
4Life Research - Via Augusta, 123 - 08006 Barcelona [Espanha] - Tel. 900 111 904
Os produtos 4Life® não se destinam a diagnosticar, tratar, curar ou prevenir qualquer doença.
Declarações nutricionais aprovadas para a Europa.
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